Like Wehrseifen, it continues from right to left.
It is softer than Wehrseifen, but watch out for understeer because of the hard braking from high speeds.
The curb at the left corner is high, so you shouldn’t ride it so often.
The tight uphill right corner is a mess.
The condition of the road surface is particularly bad, and in a car whose height is lowered, the suspension is bottomed out and stability is extremely insufficient.
Above all, it is an uphill slope, so the load on the front wheel is insufficient and it tends to become understeer.
In addition, the selection of gears is also important because the slope of escape is quite tight.
Slowly left high-speed corner.
I want to make a line that goes from out to in considering the approach to the next corner.
The corner is also where the F1 driver Niki Rauda, called “phoenix” crashed.
The right corner with a big turn.
It is also known that there are many serious accidents.
The road condition is bad and it is easy to lose one’s posture.
Since it is hard braking from the high-speed range and the clipping point cannot be seen, it is also a corner where a braking error is likely to occur.
Beware of oversteer due to insufficient rear grips and understeer due to excessive front wheel load.
Let’s control the load by adjusting the brake well.
For MT, early shift down and engine brake are recommended.
It is a corner that leads to a long uphill fully open section, so it is a good idea to run on a line that emphasizes standing up.
If you’re in a car with low horsepower, there’s no problem, but if you’re in a car with high horsepower, an instant mistake can cause a crash, so if you’re worried, you might want to turn off the accelerator.